First step is to figure out WHERE you are at now. Maybe you can do that on your own. Maybe it would be good to have some resources to help you. You can find things on-line, or attend seminars. For myself, attending seminars has been invaluable in getting some guided direction and assistance in knowing what kinds of things to ask myself.
The one most important key point to look at is your attitudes, your beliefs.
Do you BELIEVE you are worthy of making a great deal of money? Do you believe you DESERVE to make a great deal of money? Do you believe you are CAPABLE of making a great deal of money? If your attitudes are poor, it will never come to pass. If your attitudes are good- REALLY- you are highly likely to achieve your goals.
Take some time to really dig deep and examine these attitudes in yourself. Very often we get attitudes about money and wealth, positive and negative, as children, growing up. They influence our lives as adults. Were your parents rich or poor or in-between? Did they have enough money to pay bills and then some left over? Was there always worry about money and making ends meet? Di you, and they get what they needed and wanted? And more.
If your preprogrammed attitudes are poor, if you are NOT getting what you want financially, you will have to reprogram yourself to achieve the NEW attitudes you want. This can be done. Again, you can do it yourself (that would be kind of hard), use programs, attend seminars. Again, I like the seminars, they are hands on- do it right then and there, results oriented. Usually workbooks and other support materials are included.
However you do it, let me just say DO IT. If you keep going the way you are, you'll keep getting the same results. If you are happy with that, fine. If not, find something else that will work for you. Do not be afraid to jump out and try something new. Some things you can get for FREE (seminars as well as internet things), some you pay for. I have found that pretty much, the seminars I've paid for have been worth it, by far. The freebies are good, and can get you started, but won't take you very far. Go ahead and invest in yourself, buy a program, attend a seminar. And when you do, give it your ALL. Go with the intention of really listening, trying to reprogram yourself, so you can achieve your goals and dreams.
So, what you need to do is simple. Maybe not real EASY, but simple. Reprogram your thinking. You CAN do it. Most millionaires are pretty ordinary people. They do not have genius intelligences, or all the lucky breaks. They are just ordinary people who apply the right principles repeatedly.
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