Monday, November 8, 2010

Make Money Plan - Create Your Own Path to Riches

Are you struggling with trying to make more money but find it hard to get ahead? Can you relate to any of these statements:

You have the ambition and drive to work hard but are not sure where to focus your efforts
You find that whenever you get half way through a project you get distracted and never complete it
You know there is a better way but you aren't sure where to start

If you can identify with any of these then read on to learn how to create your own make money plan.

A good plan should consist of high level goals that are inspiring and motivating. These goals serve to give you purpose and direction. However, on their own they don't tell you the steps you need to take to achieve them. The concrete steps serve to give you daily action activities that you follow to achieve your goals. These two aspects serve to provide low level details of how to achieve your goals and high level goals to inspire you to do the necessary work.

Having a plan - a money making plan or otherwise - helps you to clarify exactly what you want to achieve as well as how you are going to achieve it. Once you have one in place you are no longer stuck with figuring out what step to take next, what you are trying to achieve, or how you are going to go about doing things.

When it comes to creating a make money plan you need to have a clear idea of how you want to get more money and what you need to do. Just wanting it isn't enough. You need to decide on a strategy for your make money plan (i.e. second job, work towards a promotion, earn money online, etc.). Then you need to gather information related to your strategy. Once you have enough information you can put together the steps needed to achieve your goal.

For example, let's say you want to make money online. You need to research different ways that it is possible to make money online (e.g. freelance work, affiliate marketing, etc.). Then pick one approach and figure out what is needed. Then put together a daily plan of action to implement each step. Following these steps will help you create your own make money plan.

I find that when working on a plan I often make revisions to my approach. This is fine - you can never see all the details at the beginning. However, if you find yourself constantly revising your plan and not taking necessary action (or revising your plan to avoid taking action) then you need to focus more on following the steps you already have.

Another thing to keep in mind is that as you follow your make money plan you will do work to achieve one of your goals or sub-goals and find it doesn't work. This is to be expected - not everything works out the first time you try. Use this as a learning experience and apply the knowledge you've gained to refine your plan.
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